15 September 2007

Sach(in) or out?

Now for the other famous Men in Blue!

The Wall has crumbled exposing the debris that we call Indian cricket.

The game is a sure unifier for this cricket crazy nation. A mass opiate giving instantaneous highs and equally deep lows! Lose a match and its almost like we have lost a war.

Yet one feels let down with the amount of politicking that goes on for the powers that be to get 11 men together in their blues.

And now. The captain resigns and yet another vociferous debate.

Every channel , newspaper and website worth its salt devotes endless minutes and pages to this topic.

Is it worth it? Does it really affect our daily lives. Improve them any bit?

Our best wishes for the next captain who ever he may be! Sach in or not.....

Go for it guys, our sports ambassadors in blue! Play for the country! Play a clean game!

We are proud of you!


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