21 September 2010

The talking newspaper ad...

We consumers are by now quite used to getting free samples of shampoos, tea, sugar-free sweeteners in the newspaper. Yet this morning's edition took the cake...
I opened the paper and was caught unawares by a strange sound.
It was from a small square box that was stuck on the last page.
It was an ad for the new Volkswagen sedan- the Vento.

The black box continued to 'talk' till it was covered. I did not test its battery life as I had more important things to catch up with.

I am sure sales of the newspaper must have benefited in this campaign as well!! To top it all, the ad (hence the product) will remain in the spot light for some time to come- obviously continuing to advertise the product long after the newspapers are sold to the kabadiwala...
If it makes to a case study the ad will get immortalised!

Read about the ad in the ET here (http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/news-by-industry/services/advertising/Volkswagen-pushes-new-Vento-with-talking-print-advertisement/articleshow/6600104.cms)
You can also watch it on You Tube here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOw-SWlL2ZE)

Long live the consumer!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Archana,

    We at Volkswagen India are glad that you liked the ad and appreciate that you have chosen to share it. Thanks for the mention.

    This isn’t the only innovation that we have come up with.

    Join us on http://www.facebook.com/Volkswagenindia

    Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/Volkswagenindia
    for your daily dose of innovation and automobiles.


    Sudhindra Rao
    Volkswagen Team


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