02 April 2014

Burn (Wordless Wednesday)

save fuel
Exercise helps burn fat thus helping lose inches and weight.
Whenever possible walk instead of driving, use the stairs instead of using the elevator and so on... Burn Fat Not Fuel!! 

Stay Fit, Stay Happy! Save Our Environment!

Disclaimer: All suggestions are general in nature. Readers are advised to exercise caution before implementing them and seek expert advise about what is suitable for their specific needs.  
Compiled with images from Microsoft Office Clip Art


  1. So true... yet something I find so hard to do right now. Thanks for the reminder.. focusing on the burn might help Reflex Reactions

  2. Thanks Nat, Ida.Appreciate your stopping by. :)

  3. I need this reminder today!

    AJ's AtoZ wHooligan
    Tales of a Pee Dee Mama

  4. I love the idea of burn used this way. Happy blogging


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