28 April 2023

Beautiful Cousins ( ThursdayTreeLove)

We all have met the glorious Tabebuias in all their pink glory. The towering Tabebuia rosea demand and rightfully get attention due to them. Here is one such from Pune at the end of it floral splendour. 

And today, i want to introduce you to it's cousin..the Tabebuia pallida. According to 'Trees of Pune' (our most popular and authentic field guide for Pune trees), this species is evergreen and the leaf has 3 leaflets (T rosea being deciduous drops it's leaves and the bare tree bursts into flowers before new leaves emerge). 

Shiny green leaves with 3 leaflets

Tabebuias belong to the Bignoniaceae family ...a quick identification give away are it's didynamous stamens. Which means of the 4, 2 are taller and 2 are shorter. 

Didynamous stamens

We were lucky to see its first blooms and here they are. Pretty aren't they?

These Tabebuia cousins are beautiful indeed!

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove bloghop. Do head over to see some fantastic trees from around the world. Better still, join in. 


  1. A beautiful tree from every perspective.

  2. Wow ! loved every image, thank you for sharing:)

  3. Love it and also grateful for the education on the trees. The flowers are so similar though. Thanks, Archana. I missed the last edition but working on today's. Would love for you to join.

  4. Thank you so much JoAnna! :-)

  5. @Parul Yes, flowers are very similar. Leaves are a bit different. Yes, I have posted a tree for the next TTL edition!! :-) Thanks!!

  6. Absolutely pretty!
    It looks like you've been having a beautiful spring.

    ThursdayTreeLove <3


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