21 March 2020

2020 AtoZ Theme Reveal

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 
2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver

To become a grandmother for the first time has meant precious days, highly emotional, highly demanding and filled with gratitude for the Almighty. 

People think that become a grandmother means she (in this case me) is immediately endowed with solutions, tips, knowledge of how to handle the newborn. That may have been true in bygone times when every house hold had many kids and grandkids. But we live in an age of small nuclear families and most of us have one or two children. Some are DINK couples (Double Income No Kids). The joint family concept is almost over. 

So for me, the job of a grandmother has been learning on the go. A fulfilling responsiblity that has had me reading, learning many new things. 

You see, medical science has evolved in past few decades  - Obstetrics and even care of newborns (Neonatology) has new concepts. One cannot be stuck in the past and I have had to adapt and fast. Of course there is space for the traditional time tested customs and I have tried to fuse traditional with modern. 

Grandma duties include looking after baby, letting the new Mom rest as much as possible, ensure she gets her nutrituve meals on time, deal with visitors and at times even refuse them visiting (even at the cost of misunderstanding), ensure that the laundry and other usual home chores go on as usual. I specifically mention laundry as baby clothes need special attention. 
This is just for starters. There is no place for complaining or anything that lane. No comparisons either.

I now realise the efforts my Mother (and Mother-in-law) had made years go to ensure I had a comfortable and happy time with a smooth transition. 

Now it was my turn.

By now you must have guessed my theme.. 

Yessss... it is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Sweet moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are not meant to be a guide. 

I am sure my thoughts may cause a deja vu to some of you, especially anyone who has hosted a new born. I would love to hear from you!

So buckle up folks and come back on 1 April 2020 because that's when this great blogathon gets going. 

Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement.  All posts from a maternal grandma's point of view!!


Weekends in Maine said...

What an exciting time to be a first time grandmother. It must have been fun to connect your experiences to your blog posts for the challenge. Weekends In Maine

Nilanjana Bose said...

Cute idea for the theme! Best of luck with the A-Z :)

Archana said...

@Weekends in Maine Yes its been fun and I am trying to schedule posts ... Thank you so much!

Archana said...

@Nilanjana Thank you so much!! :-) See you around!

Jen said...

Congrats on becoming a first time grandparent! Great idea for a theme and I am sure you will have many wonderful stories to share. Look forward to reading! Thanks for stopping by Not Just A Coffee Mom!

Archana said...

Thank you Jen! Looking forward to your posts as well! :-)

Namratha said...

Congratulations! This will be a new perspective for I have read only the mommy bloggers till now!

I jumped in too
A-Z @ NamySaySo

Sonia Dogra said...

This is interesting. I've seen so many mommy experiences floating around. I'd love to hear what a grandma has to say!!

Archana said...

@Namratha Hope I can give you another perspective! Looking forward to your visits next month :-) Thanks for stopping by!

Archana said...

@Sonia Yes, a grandma does have a different outlook! Thanks for stopping by :-)

Preeti Talwar said...

Vow this is wonderful, have read about new mom's, new Dil s, not new grandma's.we could take a leaf

Preeti said...

What a wonderful topic to read, have read about new mom's, new DILs, new brides etc but a new grandma for the first time. We could take a lesf

Mayura Amarkant said...

All the best! Looking forward to reading your posts! Please embed your Twitter handle in the Sharing Button.

Archana said...

@aa Thank you.. Hope my posts live up to your expectations! :-)

Archana said...

@Preeti Thank you.. I am now quite worried that my posts rise up to the expectations!

Archana said...

@Mayura.. Thanks for this tip.. but I am not tech savvy enough to embed the Twitter handle in sharing button. Let me see what can be done. :-)

Jyoti Jha said...

Very new perspective. Congratulations! Eagerly awaiting your posts.

Archana said...

Thank you Jyoti! :-)

Suchita said...

Congratulations on becoming a grandmother! Sounds like the perfect theme for AtoZ. All the best.

Archana said...

@Suchita Thank you so much! Hope to see you here in April 2020!

Shweta Suresh said...

This is such a refreshingly new theme. All the best for A2Z. :)

Red said...

I am not a grandmother... or even a mother, but I will be interested to read. My landlords are grandparents. Not for the first time, but it's this daughter's first time. It was interesting to watch their involvement.

Archana said...

@Shweta Thank you so much! Hope to meet you here in April 2020!

Archana said...

@Red Yes.. being grandparents is a unique feeling!! Thanks for stopping by :-)