11 August 2022

Tree Course (ThursdayTreeLove)

 One of the wonderful things of accompanying my husband when he goes Golfing is that I get to see, enjoy and (sometimes) identify the trees growing there. 

Today, I have trees from a Golf Course here in Pune. Besides being a great course to play on, it has 'row' of huge Banyan trees (Ficus benghalensis of the Moraceae family). One of these has fallen and continues to grow and flourish. Besides being a convinient spot to escape the hot sun, the Ficus is home to several insects, birds and small animals especially when its in fruit. Thats the time one can see a large variety of birds feasting on the tree. 

Here are the wonderful Banyans.

Seen from a distance

                                                                                 In a row


Down but not out

Delights for birds

Ficus figs

Here are more glorious trees from the same Golf Course.

WoodApple or Limonia acidissima from  Rutaceae family

The Bahava or Casssia fistula getting set for its annual golden display

Fruits of the Pithecellobium dulce or Madras Thorn. For some reason, its also called Jungli Jalebi! 

One crosses this quaint bridge 

I hope you enjoyed this Tree Course with me.

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove blog hop.
Do head over to see some fantastic trees from around the world. Better still, join in. 


  1. What a beautiful view! The tree looks supremely majestic, even the fallen one. You have a wonderful knowledge of trees, Archana. I am very bad at identifying trees and their names.

  2. Loved this and that shot of the fallen tree is brilliant. Love the angle you showed :) Thanks Archana and also glad your husband goes to such a happy green golf course :P

  3. @linsartyblobs Thank you! Yes it was!!

  4. @Parul Hehe! Thank you ! Its great to share tree photos with tree lovers from around the world!

  5. Beautiful yellow blossoms! It's interesting how trees can often survive after falling over as long as the roots are still intact.

  6. Tree Course, thats nice. And really nice clicks of banyans and sepcially the fallen one, even though its now fallen but still beautiful. And bahava's are also very refreshing.

  7. @JoAnna Yes indeed! Nature is great! Thanks for stopping by! :-)

  8. @PanchTatwa Girl Bahavas are among my favourite trees!! The Banyans were (are) stunning and unmissable on the course. Thanks for your kind words! :-)


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