21 January 2025

Old Treasure (ThursdayTreeLove)

 I have missed many editions of ThursdayTreeLove for many reasons and I hope I can post regularly now!

Recently I visited Amritsar and the Company Bagh there. Its a fascinating place that is home to many really really old trees. It also has a few old buildings all possibly from over a century ago. 

Many of the trees are labelled which makes identification easy and one can then try to appreciate various features instead of spending time trying to know the tree name!! 

This Camphor tree was especially beautiful. It has 6 trunks emerging from the base which was massive. People casually sat around it or walked past and I seemed to be the only one taking photos of the trees there. 

Here it is!

Cinnamomum camphora belongs to the Lauraceae family. As expected the leaved were fragrant. It is said to be native to East and South East Asia.

It was my first Camphor tree and seeing one of this size made me really happy. 

Amritsar has many beautiful tall trees. If you travel there, do make it a point to appreciate them! And visit Company Bagh! Many other old trees live there and I hope to share those in future posts. A treasure indeed!

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove blog hop. Do head over to see some fantastic trees from around the world. Better still, join in! 


joannaoftheforest said...

Six trunks is amazing! Is that cement around the base? For support?

Archana said...

Thanks Joanna. I dont think the cement base is for support. Probably built to hold in make a seating area .. I am not sure it helps the tree at all :-(

Parul said...

So camphor like the camphor we know? Did it smell like Camphor? So unique! I have never seen one though I have been to Amritsar. I must go again and visit Company bagh. Thanks for joining, Archana. I missed you around and was a bit worried too. I am glad you are back!

marina said...

wow! what a powerful tree! I have never seen a camphor tree before. Thanks for sharing this.

Archana said...

Happy to share @Marina! Thanks for stopping by!

Archana said...

@Parul Thanks for thinking of me! I was busy with many things and saw lot of lovely trees but just did not get round to postng on TTL! Happy to be part of this treelovers community!! :-) Yes the leaves did smell of Camphor!!

The Tatwa Girl said...

Wow, Camphor tree I never knew camphor comes from such tree. Thanks for sharing. Amritsar is a nice place.

The Tatwa Girl said...

Wow, Camphor tree I never knew camphor comes from such tree. Thanks for sharing. Amritsar is a nice place.

Archana said...

Thanks @The Tatwa Girl :-)

dee Nambiar said...

Oh wow! this tree's trunks are also quite a sight!

Archana said...

Thanks Divya!