02 February 2025

Graceful (ThursdayTreeLove)

Here's another tree from my recent travels.

A graceful Lagerstroemia microcarpa (of the Lythraceae family) in its winter attire!

Having dropped all foliage its trunk and branch 'architecture' was fully visible. The smooth white bark looked was glossy in the winter sun. This must look beautiful when in bloom!

Its home is at the Kasauli Club. 

Kasauli is home to many lovely old trees some of them conifers. It was my first visit and was too short to really meet the trees growing there. Another visit is required!!

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove blog hop. Do head over to see some fantastic trees from around the world. Better still, join in!


marina said...

What a nice textured trunk on this tree!

Pepper said...

So glad you posted the three images as you got closer and closer. Love the perspective of all three.

Archana said...

Yes isn't it? Thanks for stopping by Marina! :-)

Archana said...

Thank you Pepper!

Parul said...

what a beautiful tree, Archana! Kasauli is beautiful. I went there as a kid and would love to go back again. I am so happy to have you back. I missed you! thanks for joining!

Archana said...

Thanks Parul! Happy to be part of TTL!

dee Nambiar said...

What a gorgeous trunk. I just realized that it's when trees lose their leaves, that we see the beauty of the trunks better.
This is a great find!

Archana said...

Yes indeed Divya! I am so happy you could stop by! Thanks!