14 April 2020

L is for Lactation

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. My theme this year is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Some sweet, salty moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are not meant to be a guide. 


Lactation is a part of breast feeding which is what a grandmother is expected to guide the new Mom to do. So I will I will take the liberty of focusing on some really useful aids that are now available. 

Over these years, luckily or unluckily I had almost no exposure to handling newborns, so I had no idea that there is new kind of expert called Lactation Consultant! I heard about them via the prenatal classes at our OBGYN. (Prenatal classes itself was a new thing for me!!) 
That's when I learnt about different positions to nurse a baby.. If like me, this is a first for you, do update yourself here

Yet another master stroke by whoever designs such things is a range of products that has made the nursing process much easier and comfortable for Mom. Online shopping sites and regular stores offer a range of Feeding Pillows which are absolutely indispensable ... ask any new Mom! They come in several shapes and some even offer back support! 

Just check out the Breast Feeding section of any online shopping site and you will wonder how we managed so many years ago! 

What has been your experience? I am sure my thoughts may cause a deja vu to some of you especially someone who has hosted a new born. I would love to hear from you!

See you after the weekend folks!

Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 

2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver

Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement.  All posts are from a maternal grandmother's point of view!


Arti said...

All I can say is that there's a lot of help available online for new mothers now which is brilliant as parents or carers can't always be by their side to guide them.

Archana said...

@Arti Absolutely.. smartphones have brought so much information at our finger tips! Thanks for stopping by :-)

Penelope Potty Snooper said...

Tell me about lactating moms I had both my daughters lactating at the same time and home with their babies so it was quite a task running between the two of them . I’ve seen it all , breast abces, feeding pillows, lactation consultants , midwives tales....

Archana said...

@bellybytes Oh oh.. You are way more experienced than me Sunita! We can easily say, that wearing the 'Grandma' crown needs a lot of effort! :-)

Shweta said...

I'll bookmark this page and come back once again when I have a baby of my own. :)

Archana said...

@Shweta Thank you!! :-)