20 April 2019

R is Routine

Hello and Welcome to my sixth attempt at the AtoZ blogging challenge.
My theme this year is Caring for the Caregiver. My posts are based on my experience and are not meant to be a comprehensive guide on the subject. I would love to hear your experiences..
You can catch up with my previous posts here.
With each post, I am sharing a sketch that I have done as a means for stress busting. 

As care givers, there is a whole lot of work waiting to be done (and more...).. and one may cave in under this load - housekeeping, medical followups, bill payments and all this at time has to be of two households. Its easy to miss some important stuff.

My suggestion is to make a strict routine for things to be done. Note it in your diary or simply make a chart and pin  the paper at an easily seen place. It can be a daily schedule or a weekly/monthly one depending on your situation. Make sure to allot time for your own exercise and some relaxation. 
Besides staying up to date with our commitments, it also helps to declutter the mind, and simply prevents unwanted thoughts from entering. Thus helps in managing stress. 

Do you have a routine? 

However, as I said before...
There is no one size fits all solution. 
Every family has to find something that suits them best. 
At best, posts such as mine will inspire a family to come up with their unique workable plan.

Today's sketch is an attempt to draw a bottle from the dressing table!

We reach the end of the third week of the AtoZ!
Have a great weekend folks!
Stay happy!


Red said...

I'm not a caregiver, but I love my routines. I'm glad you remind your readers to schedule time to care for themselves. When people give until they are empty, it can take longer to get back to normal. I think of airline safety measures. The caregiver is to put on their own oxygen mask before attempting to put one on a small child. You cannot help if you are out of oxygen.
Found you through AtoZ.
Doesn't Speak Klingon

Archana said...

Thank you Red. Especially for reminding about airline safety measures. As you rightly said, "When people give until they are empty it can take longer to get back to normal". So happy that you have shared you thoughts here.