29 September 2023

Tree In Fog (ThursdayTreeLove)

 Sometimes when you lose your way in the fog

You end up in a beautiful place! 

Dont be afraid of getting lost! Mehmet Murat ildan

I came across this quote and was immediately reminded of our visit to Malhargad

Malhargad is a fort close to Pune and yet our visit had never materialised. 

Finally we did go there and as we entered the complex, a thick fog enveloped the place. The path ahead was barely visible so the question of identifying Flora growing there was out of question. We could not see or contact our friends (no cell phone range) so definitely felt a bit 'lost'.

The fog cleared after a while to reveal the old and beautiful structure. However it was getting late so another trip is mandatory to see the remains of the fort. 

Here are a few pix. 

Finding our way

A pond that was only visible when we reached its edge

What could that tree be?

And this?

Managed to pull down a branch to see the leaves. It is a variety of Capparis  of the Capparaceae family.

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove blog hop. Do head over to see fantastic trees from around the world. Better still, join in!


joannaoftheforest said...

Beautiful photos! There's something exciting about getting a little bit lost.

Archana said...

Yesss!! Thanks JoAnna! :-)

Viyoma said...

A speck of visibility amidst the fog -is real bliss!! You must revisit the place to catch up on the fort trail

The Tatwa Girl said...

Morning fog and beautifully visible trees. Reminds me of winters in Northern India where visibility reduces to less than 50m many days.

Alana said...

That is some thick fog. When I looked up the Latin name you gave it came up with caper bush, which grows the buds we eat here in the United States as capers. Interesting foggy find.

dee Nambiar said...

The fort area looks so heavenly in all that fog. <3
I see a tree in a graceful dance pose. It's lovely!

Chandra Lynn said...

Everything about this post is perfect to me. I love trees in fog. Thank you for the joy you brought to my day!